British Columbia Issues 155 ITAs in Back-to-Back PNP Draws

On September 24, 2024, British Columbia held its fourth and fifth consecutive Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) draws, issuing 155 Invitations to Apply (ITAs) to candidates in two streams: Skills Immigration and Entrepreneur Immigration.

The cutoff scores ranged from 80 to 122, depending on the stream and sub-category.

Also Read BC Conducts Consecutive PNP Draws on September 24, 2024, Issuing 155 ITAs

Details of the draw:

Date: 24th September 2024


  • Skills Immigration- 149 ITAs
  • Entrepreneur Immigration- 6 ITAs

The Skills Immigration stream saw invitations issued in sectors such as childcare, construction, healthcare, tech, and veterinary care, with minimum scores ranging from 80 to 117. Under the Entrepreneur Immigration stream, six ITAs were issued with a minimum score of 122.

Immigrate Through Express Entry, CIC NEWS Update

Skills Immigration Program of BC PNP

The Skills Immigration stream targets high-demand skilled and semi-skilled workers, offering pathways for permanent residency in categories like Skilled Worker, International Graduate, and Entry-Level and Semi-Skilled workers.

Entrepreneur Immigration of BC PNP

This stream is designed for business owners and managers looking to invest and establish businesses in British Columbia. Candidates must meet specific criteria, including personal investment and business experience.

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