Alberta PNP Draw Summary

In the most recent Alberta Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) draw on October 26, 2023, a total of 100 invitations were extended to Express Entry candidates for provincial nomination. The selection criteria for this draw included a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of 369 or above, family connections in Alberta, and primary occupations in demand.

Also Read Alberta PNP Draw Summary: October 2023

Looking at the broader picture, Alberta has been actively conducting PNP draws throughout October, issuing invitations in various rounds. Notably, on October 24, 2023, 35 invitations were issued to candidates in the Healthcare Pathway with an Alberta job offer and a CRS score of 326 or above. Similarly, on October 5, 2023, a significant round saw the issuance of 150 invitations targeting Express Entry candidates with a CRS score of 323 or above, family connections in Alberta, and primary occupations in demand.

As of November 1, 2023, Alberta has issued a total of 9,028 provincial nominations for the year, out of a quota of 9,750, with 4,875 reserved specifically for Express Entry profiles. Despite this progress, it’s crucial to note that not all candidates who receive invitations end up accepting the nomination. Moreover, the processing time for Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) may extend beyond the invitation year.

AAIP StreamApplications in the queue (approximate)Allocations remaining (approximate)Processing time (estimated)The AAIP is assessing applications received before… (approximate)
Alberta Opportunity StreamApproximately 2,753Estimated 536 allocationsApproximately 4 monthsJuly 12, 2023
Alberta Express Entry Stream – All pathwaysApproximately 623Estimated 161 allocationsDedicated Healthcare Pathway – Approximately 2 monthsSeptember 30, 2023
   Priority Sectors – approximately 2 monthsOctober 4, 2023
   Accelerated Tech Pathway – approximately 2 monthsSeptember 21, 2023
   Family Connection and In-Demand Occupation – approximately 2 months    October 3, 2023
Rural Renewal StreamApproximately 774Estimated 24 allocationsApproximately 4 monthsJuly 26, 2023

Diving into the details of specific streams under the Alberta PNP, the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) provides insights into the current status of applications. For instance, in the AAIP Stream, the queue for applications stands at approximately 2,753, with an estimated 536 allocations remaining and an estimated processing time of around 4 months.

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In the Alberta Opportunity Stream, approximately 623 applications are in the queue, with an estimated 161 allocations remaining and dedicated healthcare pathway applications taking approximately 2 months for processing, as of September 30, 2023.

The Priority Sectors, Accelerated Tech Pathway, and Family Connection and In-Demand Occupation pathways also provide a snapshot of the current processing times and application statuses.

Switching focus to occupations with a high volume of applications, certain profiles, such as food service supervisors, cooks, retail sales supervisors, administrative assistants, and others, are experiencing longer processing times due to the influx of applications.

The article concludes by highlighting the eligibility criteria and recent draw details for the Alberta Express Entry Stream. The latest draw on October 26, 2023, had a CRS cutoff score of 369, specifically targeting Healthcare Pathway profiles with an Alberta job offer. While Alberta has made significant strides in issuing nominations, there are still more than 722 provincial nominations available for the remainder of 2023, out of a total allocation of 9,750.

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